Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Monday, January 7, 2008

Lists, Not Just For New Year's

Lists are everywhere these days. Magazines, newspapers, blogs, you can't escape them. They are part and parcel of the New Year landscape. I, for one, am not the sort to make any New Year's resolutions so I hesitate to jump on the bandwagon. Yet I do love to make lists. Only I do so all year, especially those which involve food.

Shopping lists, places to eat, and recipes to try have long been a part of my listing repertoire and now Izzy is joining me. In fact list-making is another great way to get your toddler/preschooler/child involved in the kitchen. It helps them have a better understanding of the ingredients you use and eat and it is also a big help at the supermarket. I have to chuckle when we're at the supermarket and Izzy reminds me what we need to buy.
Here we have compiled a list of foods to make in the next couple of months. So far we have not settled on the actual recipes to be used so if you have any contributions, send them along.
What would you like us to make? Please comment upon what you think our tenth item should be. And try making some lists yourself..you never know what you might make!

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