Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Le Marche Des Enfants Rouges: Finding Great Food Where We Least Expected It

Today was our last full day in Paris. What would we eat? Where would we go..I awoke last night in a panic, worrying that I hadn't planned our last day well enough. I decided that Izzy could only stand one real sit down meal so that would be dinner. Lunch was up for grabs.

After the prerequisite pain au chocolat and croissants, we spent a leisurely morning at our local park up the block. I must keep in mind, all eating and no play makes Izzy a crabby dull boy. When it was time for lunch I thought we would just pick up a sandwich at a nearby bakery. I also wanted to try a fougasse from the place around the corner, aptly named, La Fougasse.

Instead, Izzy asked for a socca from Le Marche des Enfants Rouges so we wandered in. I noticed that all of the stands were really hopping today, from sushi to couscous, people were lunching on plates heaped high with delightful looking food. Best of all, the socca man was in the midst of preparing Galettes de Sarassin (buckwheat crepes) and made to order sandwiches. Izzy took one look at the crepe and requested one and I looked at the sandwich and pegged that for Alex's lunch.
The galette was filled with sauteed onions, ham and cheese.

The sandwich was extraordinary for a few reasons. First, it was made to order which is rather unusual in Paris. Usually sandwiches are pre-made and arranged on the bakery shelves. This sandwich was made on organic bread and the "chef" carefully arranged the ingredients, including a just opened avocado, proscuitto, onions, cheese and ample sprinkles of chives and cilantro. It was an irresistible creation. So simple and perfect.

I ended up buying myself a goat cheese and olive fougasse which was decent but nothing compared to what the boys were having. Luckily we all shared and it turned out to be one of our best meals here.

It was also further evidence that guides can only help one to a certain extent. Sometimes it can be better to follow your eyes and nose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That crepe is mesmerizing. Thank you so much for sharing your Parisian adventures. I really should go there someday...