Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sheep Lady On Hiatus

Last Saturday was the last day to catch Karen, "The Sheep Lady" of 3-Corner Field Farm at the Union Square Market. For the next few months she will be at the farm tending to the newborn lambs. She won't be back at the market until June so it was imperative that we stop by and pick up a good supply of cheese.

I worried that the stormy weather would prevent her from driving all the way into NYC. What would I do all those months without her Brebis Blanche, a slightly tart and creamy cheese? I hoped that I wouldn't have to find out.

We had to go into the city anyway to see the ballet, Carnival of the Animals. Afterwards, we hurried downtown in the slush to the market. It was a long morning for Izzy and by the time we arrived at her stand (Yes! She had indeed made it!) he had fallen asleep in the stroller.

Everyone knew it was her last day so there was a line of sheep fans, stocking up on their favorites. One woman seemed to be purchasing several months worth of lamb bones for her pets and others were buying up whatever they could carry.

I managed to procure several containers of Brebis Blanche and some merguez. I hope those will last until then. Otherwise I may be compelled to drive out and visit the farm. I know Izzy would be delighted to pet the lambs and so would I.

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