Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Monday, February 26, 2007

Delicious, Nutritious, and Yes Pinkalicious!

Who knew when I bought tickets for the play "Pinkalcious" that it would turn out to embrace so many of my food ideals and also be adorably entertaining for Izzy to boot! This hour long production (perfect length for antsy ones) of quirky characters and original songs is a delight to both kids and adults .

Pinkalicious is a charming little musical (based upon a book of the same name) that tells the tale of a young girl who only wants to eat pink cupcakes. She consumes so many that she becomes afflicted with 'Pinkititis' and then is made to deal with the consequences which include a seemingly unpleasant "cure."

I recommend this show as a great way to open a discussion about eating...what people eat, why, nutrition, etc. Who knows, it may even help a picky eater or two change their ways.

Izzy was one of only a handful of boys to attend this particular performance which is a shame since it is certainly appealing to boys as well. Cast aside your 'pink is for girls only' notions and take your boys to the show too!

Oh and did I mention, hot pink cupcakes, both miniature and large were for sale in the lobby.

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