Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Be born and eat: a bit of history

Four years ago, come April, my son was born. Little did he know that his culinary education had begun long before that day. For while he was growing within, I had already plotted his future as a boy gourmand. I had heard of and witnessed the quintessential picky eaters of lore. In fact, I have some evidence to prove I was one myself. Yet somehow I knew that I would be intolerant of a child who would not eat lox or lardons and squirmed at the sight of anchovies. So I was determined to raise him to adore everything. I had read some French studies (and you know if anyone were to know how to teach taste, the French would be the ones to do it) that showed how children whose mothers ate certain flavors during pregnancy, were predisposed to preferring those flavors. Simple enough, eat as wide a variety of foods as you can and expose the budding palate. I did my best, though space was limited at the time, as the creature within was co-opting some of my precious stomach space. Luckily for me (and him) that while pregnant, we lived in NYC so I was able to provide him with a rotating menu of assorted taste sensations, including regular jaunts to Ariana Afghan (our neighborhood favorite) and big slurpy bowls of japanese ramen noodle soup. Though I'd say City Bakery won as most visited eatery during pregnancy not only for its close proximity to my midwives (CBS midwifery..the best!) but also for its distinct array of healthy, greenmarket offerings, not to mention the incredible pastries and hot chocolate..but this must be saved for another post or three. Of course this is only an inkling of all that I ate..and as the occasion arises, others shall be mentioned. Suffice it to say that as the big day neared, the creature within had been privy to quite a sampling. And, no surprise to anyone, the first contractions occurred at City Bakery..but back to that later..let's get to the here and now before these moments slip by.

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